High-Dimensional Probability

Chinou Gea
Aug 29, 2023

!Free 301-page PDF textbook: “High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications in Data Science” by R. Vershynin; open 41 hand-written notes and videos and homework which explains most contents of the book: https://www.math.uci.edu/~rvershyn/teaching/hdp/hdp.html.

!免费301页PDF教科书:《高维概率:数据科学应用简介》,作者:R. Vershynin;打开41个手写笔记、视频和作业,解释了本书的大部分内容:https://www.math.uci.edu/~rvershyn/teaching/hdp/hdp.html

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Chinou Gea

Chinou Gea Studio -- open academic researching and sharing in information and data specialties by Chinou Gea; also follow me at www.facebook.com/aaron.gecai