C R Rao gone

Chinou Gea
2 min readAug 23, 2023

“All knowledge is, in final analysis, history.

All sciences are, in the abstract, mathematics.

All judgements are, in their rationale, statistics.”

— C. R. Rao (1920–2023) Very sad to learn that C R Rao who pioneered. information geometry passed away August 22nd at the age of 102 years.

News: Indian American Mathematician CR Rao No More


Rao at the Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai in April 2012 (Photo: Wikipedia)

Hyderabad: Indian American Mathematician Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao, commonly known as C. R. Rao passed away on Wednesday. He is 102.

C. R. Rao was born to a Telugu family in Hadagali, Bellary, Madras Presidency (now in Karnataka), India. His schooling was completed in Gudur, Nuzvid, Nandigama, and Visakhapatnam, all in the present state of Andhra Pradesh. He received an MSc in mathematics from Andhra University and an MA in statistics from Calcutta University in 1943. He obtained a Ph.D. degree at King’s College in Cambridge University under R. A. Fisher in 1948, to which he added a DSc degree, also from Cambridge, in 1965.

The Indian American statistician was recently awarded International Prize in Statistics, which is statistics’ equivalent of the Nobel Prize. The most distinguished exponent of the subject, Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao’s monumental work across several branches of statistics and its applications, is noteworthy.




— — 卡·拉·拉奥(C. R. Rao) (1920–2023) 得知信息几何先驱卡·拉·拉奥(C. R. Rao)于8月22日去世,享年102岁,我深感悲痛。

新闻:印度裔美国数学家 CR Rao 不再存在


2012 年 4 月,拉奥在钦奈印度统计研究所(照片:维基百科)

海得拉巴:印度裔美国数学家卡扬普迪·拉达克里希纳·拉奥(Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao)(俗称卡·拉·拉奥C. R. Rao)于周三去世。他今年102岁。

卡·拉·拉奥(C. R. Rao)出生于印度马德拉斯辖区贝拉里哈达加利(现卡纳塔克邦)的一个泰卢固家庭。他在古杜尔、努兹维德、南迪加马和维沙卡帕特南完成学业,这些地方都位于现在的安得拉邦。1943年,他获得安得拉大学数学硕士学位和加尔各答大学统计学硕士学位。1948年,他在费舍尔(R. A. Fisher)的指导下,在剑桥大学国王学院获得了博士学位,并于1965年在剑桥大学获得了理学硕士学位。

这位印裔美国统计学家最近荣获了相当于统计学诺贝尔奖的国际统计学奖。该学科最杰出的代表人物卡扬普迪·拉达克里希纳·拉奥(Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao)在统计及其应用的多个分支领域所做的不朽著作值得关注。

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Chinou Gea

Chinou Gea Studio -- open academic researching and sharing in information and data specialties by Chinou Gea; also follow me at www.facebook.com/aaron.gecai